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  • Appeal Annuls Decision To Yank Cop's Pension.  See our case featured in the March 27, 2015 edition of The Chief, concerning our recent win in the Appellate Division - First Department, deeming the Law Department's revocation of a disability retiree's pension improper.  See full text here.



  • Appellate Division, First Department affirms Heart Bill Decision.  See our case featured in the New York Law Journal, in which the Appellate Division affirmed the award of a 'Heart Bill' disability pension to a Police Surgeon.


  • Court: Police Surgeon Wrongly Denied ‘Heart Bill’ Disability Pension. See our case featured in the July 30, 2012, issue of The Chief Leader concerning our recent pension win on behalf of NYPD Captains Endowment Association ("CEA") President, Roy Richter and retired New York City Police Surgeon Lea Dann, M.D. Justice Geoffrey D. Wright overturned a determination by the Police Pension Fund’s trustees that a Police Surgeon was not eligible for a three-quarters disability pension under the Heart Bill because Surgeons were not under the same stress as other Police Pension Fund members. Read the full text or see the official article.  See also the Article regarding this case in the August 2012, edition of the Bulletin, the official publication of the NYPD Captains Endowment Association: Page 11.


  • Disability Pension Services - Ungaro & Cifuni, Attorneys at Law. See our firm and our disability services prominently featured on page 19 of the June 2012, issue of the LBA NEWS, the Official Publication of the Lieutenants Benevolent Association. 



  • FDNY Retirees' Corner. See our regularly featured articles in the the official Newsletter of the FDNY Columbia Association: (a) Social Security Disability. Article by John Signorile (see page 7); (b) See our article regarding Three Quarters & Span of Time (page 3); and (c) The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-347) (Zadroga Act), Article by John Signorile (see page 5).


  • Brawl-beaten Fireman in New Pension Bid. By Philip Messing. See this article in the November 14, 2011,  NY Post, regarding our case Walsh v. Scopetta, which is before New York's State's highest court, the NYS Court of Appeals.  The case concerns Robert Walsh, a NYC firefighter disabled as the result of a line-of-duty assault he suffered when struck with a chair. The issue concerns intentional conduct as it relates to accident disability retirement, and will have ramifications to future first responders who may be assaulted during the performance of duty. Read the Article in the NY Post.


  • Police Board Declines to Revoke Disability Pension. See us quoted in the July 19, 2011, issues of The Chief Leader concerning our recent pension win on behalf of retired New York City Police Officer James Seiferheld, the Fund's refusal to ratify an illegal pension revocation and the City's continued refusal to follow Court decisions, the mandates of the Police Pension Fund or abide by governing law. Read the full text or see the official article.


  • Seiferheld v. Kelly. See us quoted in the July 12, 2011, issues of the NY Post and Daily News concerning our recent win in the Court of Appeals in connection with the following Police Pension issue. The Police Pension Fund refused to ratify the unlawful revocation of a police officer's three quarter disability retirement. Read the articles in the NY Daily News, and the NY Post.  See the next day's editorials (July 13, 2011) in the NY Daily News, and the NY Post. Read our response.


  • Three Quarters and Span of Time. See our article in the June 20, 2011, NYPD Captains Endowment Association Newsletter concerning "Three Quarters and Span of Time." This article addresses the legal hurdles in establishing causality required for accidental disability when long periods of time elapse after a Line of Duty accidental injury, full text.  We will post an official link when this article becomes available on-line. 


  • Lawyer: Affirms Fund's Powers Drug-using Ex-Cops Win Stirs Wrath, Pension Flap. See the article in the Monday, May 2, 2011, edition of the Chief-Leader by Mark Toor regarding this New York State Court of Appeals determination in favor of our client, James Seiferheld, full text, and official link.


  • Cop gets 'bungle' bundle. By Philip Messing. See this article in the April 29, 2011, NY Post regarding the favorable decision in Seiferheld v. Kelly, our case before the state's highest court, the NYS Court of Appeals. This is an important decision  affirming that pension benefits cannot be terminated without explicit statutory authority and that it is the purview of the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund and not the City Law Department to interpret statute and effect pension actions. In addition to being on the front page of the NY Law Journal, this case was featured in the April 29, 2011, editions of the NY Daily News, and the NY Post. See news Follow-up featured in the May 9, 2011,  edition of the NY Post.  


  • With Lone Dissent, Court of Appeals Finds Disability Pension Was Improperly Revoked. See this article featured on the front page of the April 29, 2011, New York Law Journal regarding the favorable decision in Seiferheld v. Kelly, our case before the state's highest court, the NYS Court of Appeals. This is an important decision affirming that pension benefits cannot be terminated without explicit statutory authority and that it is the purview of the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund and not the City Law Department to interpret statute and effect pension actions. In addition to being on the front page of the NY Law Journal, this case was also  featured in the April 29, 2011,  edition of the NY Daily News.


  • The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act (Zadroga Bill). Our article explaining how the Zadroga Bill may apply to our first responders who have taken ill as the result of their WTC exposures, was published in the April 2011, NYPD Lieutenants Benevolent Association NEWS magazine.


  • Victory for Captains Union Mayor Not Your Governor, Judge Tells Police Fund. See the article in the Monday, April 11, 2011, edition of the Chief-Leader by Mark Toor regarding this recent Supreme Court determination in favor of our client, CEA President Roy Richter in Richter v. Kelly: full text, and official link. See also the Article regarding this case in the September 2011, edition of the Bulletin, the official publication of the NYPD Captains Endowment Association: Page 5.


  • World Trade Center Illness. See our article (pages 6 and 7) in the February 25, 2011, issue of the NYPD Captains Endowment Association Newsletter concerning the reopening of the WTC Victims Compensation Fund (Zadroga Bill) and how it may apply to persons taken ill as the result of WTC exposures.


  • Social Security Disability, A Treatise For Lawyers. See our article "Social Security Disability: What every lawyer should know," published in the February 2011, Brooklyn Barrister (see pages 6 and 7), the official publication of the Brooklyn Bar Association. Also see the full text.


  • When Is A Disability Accidental. See our article in the March 2010, issue of the NYPD Captains Endowment Association Newsletter (see page 11) concerning the definition of "accident” within the limited meaning of the Administrative Code section that governs retirement for accident disability.


  • Court Sends Disability Spat Back to P.D. Pension Fund. See the article in the February 26, 2010, edition of the Chief-Leader by RICHARD STEIER regarding an Appellate Division, First Judicial Department determination in favor of our client, James Seiferheld in Seiferheld v. Kelly. Full textOfficial link.

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